About Jane Tarrant

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Hi, I’m Jane Tarrant, Founder of LiNK BREATHING, based in Bicester, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.

I am passionate about supporting people to feel empowered to improve their own health in a way that is incremental, accessible, habit driven and based on awareness. For many this starts with addressing unhealthy breathing habits and a lack of general body awareness.

I retrain the breathing habits of over-breathers, including snorers, mouth breathers, asthmatics and those who have anxiety & panic attacks.

I typically work with high performing teams and individuals or those struggling with challenging breathing related symptoms, who are looking for compassionate hand holding through the process improving their breathing.

Author of ‘Rose Loses Her Nose’

‘Rose Loses Her Nose’ is an educational storybook, written to educate both children and their parents.

I’ve educated myself in this area from multiple avenues, spoken to numerous clients and listened to the concerns of parents of children who mouth breathe, struggle to breathe through their nose or snore. I knew I needed to create the right resource to provide the necessary education in a simple, accessible way.

Having been concious that I was a chronic mouth breather from around 7 years old and snorer for years before that, I realised that kids are a lot more aware than we might think about their breathing. The issue? A lack of education for not only them, but their parents and doctors as well. This is where this book starts making a huge impact.

12 years of corporate burnout experience & losing my way

Burn out is very real and I have personally experienced it on numerous occasions. Having been through this, I am well placed to bring awareness to the classic mistakes and lack of body awareness many of my corporate clients face. I’ve been through that feeling of “hi, my name is Jane and I have no idea who I am”.

I feel passionate about finding ways to live more of a life

Breathing has showed up time and again in my life, but I didn’t always have the awareness to make the positive changes I now make in my life on a daily basis. My passion and thirst to share, compassion and understanding what it feels like to be where you are now, is what helps my clients find their own awareness to improve their own lives. I add the insight of previous clients to my own experiences and it often shows some interesting patterns. Even better, I’m still learning and becoming more self aware!

I retrained my breathing & continue to practice breathing awareness…

Aged 7, I was sat in my room thinking “my nose is too small. I can’t breathe through it properly. Surely if this was a problem, someone would have told me.“

Breathing Retraining can help you, as it has helped me with snoring, anxiety, stress, digestion, mental focus, sleep quality, exhaustion, fitness, recovery, pain, mood and relationships to name a few. The progress I’ve made and continue to make is down to incremental changes across a number of areas. This includes increased self-awareness, breathing awareness and retraining of habits. Breathing is incredibly powerful. We can use breathing to take control of ourselves again. We can also use it as a gateway to greater awareness, confidence and habits.


Dysfunction breathing & unhealthy breathing habits

My tongue used to live in the bottom of my mouth. Dysfunctional breathing and unhealthy breathing habits have affected me in all areas of my life. Mouth breathing has even affected the shape of my face and the way my smile formed. Since braces they’ve moved again! I was never told that I needed to change my breathing habits. I have also personally used breathing awareness and techniques to relieve chronic pelvic pain and avoid the need for gas and air, epidural or other pain relief during a water birth.

Retraining my mouth breathing to nose breathing, day and night, has been transformational in my life and I have the pleasure of bringing such transformation to others. Breathing retraining is not about a few minutes of meditative breathing a day, although this has its benefits. It is about gradually fully training your breathing habits to be healthy, optimal ones 24 hours a day.

Having been a mouth breather with a nose that felt too small, I fully understand the challenges my clients come up against if trying to retrain their breathing alone, without the knowledge or support.

Thankfully I no longer get called ‘Darth Vader’ due to my breathing anymore.

Since training as a Thai Massage Therapist in 2012, I have trained as a Breathing Coach with the aim to not only live more of a life myself, but also to support others to do the same.

  • Qualified Thai Massage Therapist

  • Certified and self-taught Breathing Coach

  • Certified Buteyko Method Breathing Instructor

  • Self-taught Awareness Coach

  • Certified Gravity Yoga Teacher

  • Experience of managing a team

  • High stress sales experience

  • World travel experience

Why I decided to retrain as a breathing coach

I decided to retrain as a breathing coach when I realised how powerful, efficient and functional (healthy) breathing could be, but how little we know about this incredibly basic and foundational habit. We live in a world where the medical industry is focused on disease, not health. Our modern science therefore does not focus enough on lifestyle factors which are very much within our control. If only we knew more about them!

Having been a chronic mouth breather since I was a child, I have trained myself to become a nose breather as well as improving other aspects of how I live. I have noticed a number of benefits.

Breathing has become a rabbit warren for me! What I thought was just a simple tunnel turns out to be so much more. I am continuing to self learn all areas of health which compliment and overlap with breathing.

My passion is not just for occasional breathing practices, but to retrain breathing habits 24/7. My specialty is working with people who are too busy to find the time for their health.

You want to know the ‘other’ stuff about me?

I’m Jane Tarrant, (born as Jane Furber) in 1988, mum of one, wife, business owner, podcast host, blogger, self-awareness and DIY enthusiast as well as various other hats. I share the other parts about me, as well as my podcast LIVING MORE OF A LIFE and www.canidoitmyself.com.

I love gardening, painting furniture, slapping some paint haphazardly onto canvas and chatting one on one with friends. My husband and I also have a cat and we’ve been doing up our house since 2014. I’m pretty sure we are still missing a skirting board somewhere.

I’ve experienced many failures in my life and I’ve learned a great deal from them. Having a daughter changed my perspective on how to look after myself. I hope I inspire her as much as she inspires me.

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