Book a ‘breathing assessment’ call

What to expect from your ‘breathing assessment’ consultation call

Hi, I’m Jane Tarrant, your Breathing Habits Retrainer

This is how the Zoom calls usually go:

1️⃣ - A bit of history about you, your situation and how you are feeling

2️⃣ - A breathing assessment (preferably with a bit of a giggle)

3️⃣ - Education around the difference between your current breathing habits and what I retrain to

4️⃣ - If you then want any details about how to potentially work together, I tell you. Premium & affordable options.

Common breathing assessment call questions

1️⃣ - Do I have to remove any clothing?

No, all I ask you to do is place your hands on your upper chest and across your belly, then around your side ribs and to your face. I can see everything using your hands.

2️⃣ - Can you really assess breathing over Zoom?

Yes, I’m highly tuned to see what you might not even feel at first. I just ask you to stand behind your chair or move the screen back so I can see from your nose to your belt buckle.

3️⃣ - Do you diagnose?

No, I don’t diagnose as I am not qualified to do so. I do however make you aware of what your breathing habits are showing and educate you around what you can do to improve them.

4️⃣ - Do I have to work with you if I have a call?

No, you don’t have to work with me for your breathing retraining. I am here to help you decide if breathing retraining would benefit you. If you want to coast around, reading various education online to decide what to do, you are welcome to. I actively encourage self education. If you want to be hand held through an 8 week process, which is designed to be easy to implement whilst retraining your habits, I’m the person to jump on board with. As long as you click with me of course. My specialty is working with those with busy brains and busy lives. I provide ongoing group call support in both my £300+VAT pre-recorded course or my 1-2-1 options.

5️⃣ - Do I have to pay for a breathing assessment?

You are welcome to join my FREE MASTERCLASS “How To Recognise Your Current Breathing Habits”, which is 55 minutes via Zoom. If you’d like an assessment call and consultation with me 1-2-1, this costs £125+VAT, which is reduced from my usual rate to make it more accessible to those considering my more affordable online course.


Where did my breathing retraining journey start?

Aged 7, I was sat on my bedroom floor thinking, “my nose is too small. I can’t breathe through it properly. But surely if that was a problem, someone would have told me.“

Breathing Retraining could help you, as it has helped me with:

  • snoring, anxiety, panic attacks,

  • stress, digestion, mental focus,

  • sleep quality, exhaustion, fitness,

  • recovery, pain, mood and relationships, to name a few.

The progress I’ve made and continue to make is down to incremental changes across a number of areas. This includes increased self-awareness, breathing awareness and retraining of habits. Breathing is incredibly powerful, and how we breathe matters so much more than we were ever taught. We can use breathing to take control of our nervous system. We can also use it as a gateway to greater awareness, confidence and habits.

How we breathe matters

What I really want to see, is widespread education and empowerment to positively impact quality of life through improving breathing habits 24 hours a day.

My passion and thirst to share, compassion and understanding what it feels like to be where you are now, is what helps my clients find their own awareness to improve their own lives. I add the insight of previous clients to my own experiences and it often shows some interesting patterns.

 I look forward to meeting you!